Video marketing is something that every single small business should at least consider. Videos are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to consume content online. If you don’t produce videos, you’ll lose a significant portion of the people who could be watching your content. Your videos can be shared on social media channels, as well as on your website and YouTube channel.
But one problem with video marketing is that it can take time to develop new ideas. After all, keep producing content to attract more customers. At least for now, the following video ideas will help ensure you have enough inspiration for this part of your digital marketing strategy.
1. Share the History of Your Brand
Creating a video that tells your brand’s story is one of the most compelling types of videos you can make. This makes your small business seem friendlier and shows potential customers that real people are running it. Additionally, it facilitates the formation of a connection between the two of you. Because of this, they will be more likely to consider purchasing your brand.
2. Invite Members of the Team to Recount Their Experiences
This video concept is a continuation of the idea of telling your brand’s story, but it makes the story even more personal. The idea behind this is to have important members of your team tell stories about their lives. They may talk about previous experiences in the industry or the path that led them to work in the industry. They can discuss how they started working for your company and the length of time they have been employed there. Asking them to describe what their responsibilities entail is another viable alternative. This can help demonstrate all the individuals associated with your company.
You can also spark creativity by having team members share personal stories. Inquire with them about their most memorable time spent assisting a customer. You could also ask them to tell you which of your products they like best. You can even connect this to ongoing trends if you want to. Please make a video compilation of your employees talking about their favorite costumes they’ve worn when a holiday like Halloween is approaching, for instance.
3. Products Produced Behind the Scenes
One type of behind-the-scenes video you should think about producing is one in which team members share their personal experiences. You can also take a look at the day-to-day operations of your company, as well as any other aspect of it. You could demonstrate the steps to developing a new product or designing a new storefront display.
This is another way to encourage customers to connect with your brand, and it is straightforward to make. They help show all the efforts that go into delivering your products and services, which contributes to an increase in the perceived value of your company.
4. Put Your Products on Display
We mentioned the possibility of having your team members discuss their favorite products in videos, but there are other ways to draw attention to products. Make a video about your product if it is particularly well-known or if it is one about which customers frequently have questions.
Before you launch your new product or service, please make a video showing how it differs from the competition and what it has to offer. Describe the problems that it will solve for the customers. Share a video that shows how to use your product if it’s only apparent to customers how it works.
You can create videos that provide advice on the most effective ways to use a particular product. For instance, if you sell clothing, think about producing a video with styling tips or one demonstrating how to care for the item correctly. If you own a hair salon, you should give customers advice on what, if anything, they should do to their hair before visiting your establishment, such as washing it.
5. Event Videos
If you are the host of an event, record it while it is happening. After that, you should put together a video that highlights the event. You could even live stream your event. This can assist potential customers in becoming familiar with your brand and give them the impression that they are a part of the community you serve.
6. Inform Those Who Are Observing You
One of the most popular types of video content used in digital marketing is now educational videos. This group includes at least some videos that show how to use certain products or give advice about those products. However, the scope of educational videos can also be significantly expanded. They might consist of questions and answers, guides, and other things.
The wonderful thing about educational videos is that their scope is not restricted to the goods and services that you currently offer for sale. You could also make them about items that are related to one another. You could provide exercise advice in a video if you sell equipment for working out.
Providing your customers with educational content in videos comes with many significant benefits. It demonstrates the depth of your knowledge. People will see your company’s brand as an authority in the field, making them more likely to choose you over your competitors.
Do you need help with the material that should be included in educational videos? Take a look at your blog to get some ideas. Think about creating videos out of some of the most popular posts on your blog.
7. Testimonials from Satisfied Customers
Some of the most exciting video content in digital marketing comes from testimonials from past clients. Even though they are just one kind of social proof, they can be compelling. They are an updated form of word-of-mouth recommendations and ratings left on websites. Reviews are essential because most people look at them before they buy something or choose a service provider.
You also have the opportunity to be creative with these examples of customer praise. Integrate them into a marketing strategy based on influencers or brand ambassadors. Also, be creative in your approach to the topics that customers bring up in conversation. They can talk about the experience of shopping with you in general, their favorite product they purchased from you, why they prefer you over the other options, or anything else.
8. Videos Comprised of Content Generated by Users
When you use digital marketing, one of your goals should be to give your customers the impression that they are part of a larger community. Sharing content created by users is a great way to accomplish this goal. Those individuals whose content you do include will have a sense of being honored and included. At the same time, it will assist potential customers in seeing that you already have customers who are comparable to them.
How you film customer testimonials determine whether or not they fall into this category. But you can also add pictures or videos that customers have shared on social media while using your brand. Just keep in mind that you need to get permission first. Using a hashtag or a challenge is a great way to get people to post their content. For instance, a clothing store could request that users tag them in photos where they are seen wearing items from the store.
As soon as you start making videos, you should set up a regular time to share them. This way, customers will know when to expect new content from you. You ought to observe a rise in levels of engagement as well as sales.